Every batch of CBD oil we make in our USA-based ISO certified clean facilities is sent to a lab to be tested for quality and safety. And because our CBD is derived from industrial hemp, it contains 0.3% or less THC. Your pets will get all the natural benefits of CBD without any “high” effects.
When you buy CBD oil for dogs from us, you’re buying a safe high-quality product that you can trust.

How to Use Full Spectrum CBD Oil for Dogs
Our 500mg CBD oil comes in a convenient liquid form with a dropper top for easy application. If your dog has never tried CBD, we recommend starting with just a half dropper (0.5ml) and increasing the dose by half increments until you get the desired effects. Every dog reacts differently to CBD regardless of its size, so you will need to monitor how they respond to each dose.
Here is how you can apply Full Spectrum CBD oil for dogs and the respective time it will take for any effects:
- Apply directly into the mouth - 20 to 60 minutes to take effect
- Apply onto dog food or dog treats - 45 to 90 minutes to take effect
how to give cbd to your dog

We recommend starting with a half dropper and monitoring how your pet responds. Each animal responds to CBD slightly differently. Increase in half increments until you find what works best for your pet.
What is the difference between 500mg and 125mg?
Our 500mg option is designed with medium to large dogs (over 25 lbs) in mind. For smaller dogs our 125mg option is a better fit.
What is the correct dosage for my pet?
Each pet responds slightly differently to CBD. If your pet has never tried CBD, we recommend starting with half a dropper and working your way up. Monitor how your pet responds. Gradually increase the dosage until you find the best dosage for your pet. For example some of our customers found that 2-3 droppers work best for their pet, where others have used less to receive the desired effects.
Additional FAQs
Food and drug administration (FDA) Disclosure
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always check with your physician before starting a new dietary supplement program.