Winter Pet Safety Tips from Chill Paws

Winter Pet Safety Tips from Chill Paws

Just because your pet is wearing a fur coat doesn’t mean they are impervious to the elements in winter. Our pets are just as susceptible to the cold by getting sick, frostbite, and other conditions. And did you know that the rock salt you put on your walkway can hurt your pet’s paws? Learn all about protecting your dog’s paws inwinter and pet safety tips for the season in this article.

Only Keep Them Outside for Short Periods

Fur helps to keep pets warm, but even nordic breeds like Huskies and Samoyeds get cold if left outside for too long. A high-energy dog can keep warm by running around, but when they get tired it’s time to bring them inside. A good winter pet safety tip is to take your dog for more short walks throughout the day rather than a couple long ones.

Put a Coat on Your Pet

A short-haired dog can quickly become cold even on short walks. When the temperatures dip or there’s snow on the ground, it’s a good idea to dress your dog in a sweater or a coat. An extra layer will help keep those cold shakes away and make your pooch more comfortable while they get some fresh air. It can be fun to make your dog a part of your fashion statement, but it’s also a responsible part of winter dog care.

Extra Care for the Young and Old

Take our winter pet safety tips to heart when you have a very young or senior pet. Just like young children and the elderly, puppies and senior dogs have trouble regulating their body temperature. This winter, take care to bundle up dogs who are extra vulnerable and don’t leave them outside for extended periods. When taking walks or going for a hike, know your pet’s limits. They might not be able to spend as much time outside as you can.

Keep Their Feet Clean

Rock salt is widely used during winter to make walkways and roadways safe for pedestrians. While it doesn’t bother people with boots and shoes on, it can be damaging to your pet’s paw pads. After going for walks, use a shallow pan of warm water to wash your dog’s paws. For your own property, you can use a rock salt alternative that is less agitating to animals. Another winter pet safety tip is to trim your dog’s foot fur. Dogs with long hair may get hair that grows in between their paw pads. This fur can trap ice and rock salt which may cause irritations or even injuries. Keeping it trimmed to their foot level will help in protecting your dog’s paws this winter.

Use Booties

Take a winter pet safety tip from the Iditarod dog mushers. Working and competition sled dogs often wear snow booties because their owners know how damaging an icy terrain can be. Winter booties help in protecting dog pawsby preventing injuries and keeping their feet warm. There are a wide variety of dog boots available from short ankle boots to boots that wrap up their legs.

A small brown dog is wearing booties and a red coat

Watch Out for Antifreeze

Unfortunately, not all of our winter pet safety tips are fully within your control. Antifreeze is commonly used in all sorts of machines to improve performance in winter. It tastes sweet to your pets and is usually bright green or blue in color, but may also come in other colors. Just a teaspoon of antifreeze is enough to cause kidney failure. The biggest threat will be spillage in and around driveways. Always be aware of what your dog is sniffing and don’t let them lick any strange substances. Signs of ingesting antifreeze include excessive thirst, drooling, vomiting, panting, lethargy, and a drunken appearance. If you think your pet has ingested antifreeze, take them to the vet right away.

Keep Off Thin Ice

This winter safety tip is for your pet and yourself! It can look like a lot of fun to walk out on a frozen pond, lake, or river, but it can also be difficult to tell if the ice is thick enough to support your weight in all areas. If you or your dog falls in, you’ll be exposed to freezing temperatures. Flowing water can also sweep you away, trapping you or your dog under the ice. Take care of your dog this winter and keep them off the ice!

Block Off Heat Sources

Pets are drawn to heat sources during winter to keep them nice and cozy. They may be unaware of how hot heat sources can get, and this puts them at risk for burns. Cats may try to jump up on radiators and wood stoves that were previously roaming grounds during the summer. Use baby and pet gates to keep them at bay. A winter pet safety tip you may not have thought of is to get your pets their own heated pet bed to keep them warm and comfortable.

Keep Them on the Leash

The winter season brings ice, snow, and slippery road conditions. These conditions make it very dangerous for pets who might run into the road. Drivers will have trouble stopping and may become injured themselves trying to avoid an oblivious pet who is off the leash. Freezing temperatures are also dangerous should your pet become lost. Help keep your pets and drivers on the road alive with this pet safety tip this winter.

When taking care of your dog this winter, be vigilant in protecting your dog’s paws, keep them safe from winter hazards like ice and antifreeze, and keep them warm and toasty with limited outside time and pet clothing. Like a young child, your pet depends on you to keep them happy and healthy. Help keep your pet relaxed while indoors this winter with Chill Paws pet CBD oil and CBD pet treats!

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