A Scientific Look at CBD Pet Oil

A Scientific Look at CBD Pet Oil

Some of us out there might be aware of the many uses of CBD pet oil, as articles are printed on a consistent basis it seems about why a pet owner may wish to pick up a bottle of CBD oil for their furry friend. However, not a lot is known about the science behind CBD pet oil, when it comes to the general public, at least. Knowing the science behind this product can benefit you by allowing a better understanding of what it is exactly that you’re giving to your pet, and how it’s interacting with their body.

How CBD Pet Oil is Made

First, let’s talk about how CBD pet oil is made from a scientific perspective. As you’ll see, it’s a fascinating mix of biology and chemistry that work together to provide you with a compound-filled concentrate that’s easily administered to your cat or dog.

Step #1: Cultivating Hemp

The first step is cultivating hemp. Hemp is a member of the cannabis family, and it’s known for its high amount of CBD and low amount of THC, making it perfect for CBD-based products. Hemp is a uniquely sensitive plant in that it easily absorbs the materials around it, such as pesticides and heavy metals that are in the soil. Hemp that is grown in an organic environment will not be able to absorb any toxins or impurities, because there are none present in its surroundings.

It's also important to point out that the hemp that goes into a CBD oil is the female hemp plant. Only the female hemp plants are naturally rich in those compounds that we know and love. New scientific developments have made it easier for hemp farmers to cultivate only female plants.

Step #2: Run the Hemp Plant Material Through the Extraction Process

The second step is putting the mature hemp plant material through an extraction process. The superior and most popular method is the CO2 process that applies pressurized CO2 to the plant material. This allows the remaining extract to contain highly stable, diverse and abundant hemp compounds without any impurities or harmful bacteria.

Step #3: Decarboxylate the Remaining Concentrate

Now that we have a concentrated hemp extract, it’s time to activate those compounds. This is where the decarboxylation process comes in. See, these compounds need to be heated to a specific temperature in order for the compounds to become efficiently bioavailable to cats, dogs and humans alike. So, a controlled amount of heat is applied to the concentrate during this step of the process.

Step #4: Combine the Concentrated Hemp Extract with a Carrier Oil

Now, the decarboxylated hemp extract is blended with a nontoxic carrier oil so that you end up with a CBD pet oil.

What Does CBD Pet Oil Consist of?

Now, let’s discuss the unique chemical makeup of CBD pet oil.

  • Cannabinoids: CBD pet oil is rich in a variety of cannabinoids. Cannabinoids or plant compounds that are unique in that they directly feed the body’s endocannabinoid system, which we will be getting into later. Cannabinoids found in hemp include CBN, THC (in non-psychoactive volumes) and CBG. But, the leading cannabinoid in hemp is CBD.
  • Terpenes: Compounds found in the essential oils of every plant. They’re largely responsible for giving plants their flavor, aroma and color. They also contain unique properties that can be quite useful to the body.
  • Flavonoids: The most misunderstood compounds in hemp. They’re found in basically all plants, and they also contribute to the flavor and aroma of plant material. One thing we know about flavonoids is that they have a synergistic effect on hemp compounds, being capable of making them more effective and more bioavailable.

How Do These Hemp Plant Compounds Interact with My Pet’s Body?

So, what happens when your pet consumes these CBD pet oil compounds? Well, let’s discuss cannabinoids and your pet’s body, since cannabinoids are what make CBD such a unique product. Cannabinoids, as we said, feed the body’s endocannabinoid system. This system is found in every mammal, and it consists of cannabinoid receptors that are found along the body, in every bodily system. It seems that the endocannabinoid system is in charge of the body’s state of homeostasis, which is a state in which every bodily process is functioning properly.

The body’s endocannabinoid system requires cannabinoids, as these cannabinoids interact with cannabinoid receptors in order to stimulate the regulation of bodily processes. We produce cannabinoids on our own, but most of us are deficient. The cannabinoids found in hemp are technically referred to as phytocannabinoids, which means that they are cannabinoids that are derived from plant material. Consuming these phytocannabinoids allows the endocannabinoid system to send them to cannabinoid receptors throughout the body as needed.

Meanwhile, it’s believed that the flavonoids found in hemp help make these important cannabinoids more powerful by boosting their chemical properties. And, terpenes provide the body with plant compounds that have unique properties of their own.

It’s also important to note that none of the compounds found in the hemp plant have been found to be toxic to humans or other mammals, which is why they’re often consumed in relatively high doses.

Blinded by CBD Pet Oil Science

Understanding it on a scientific level can make us feel better about giving it to our furry companions as part of their daily regimen. Now that you know how CBD is made, what it consists of and how it works in your pet’s body, you can better grasp why it’s become such a massively popular pet care product.

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